Term 2 and 3 Portfolio

Creative Framing

I find the ghostly paper remnants to be an intriguing part of the picture. The frame around the head is also keeps the focus on the subject, and does not allow the viewer's eyes to wander. The lighting is also adequate, creating a shine in the subject's eyes.

Holiday Photos

I personally find the texture in this picture cool. The cupcake looks fake, but real at the same time, with all the varying depths and wrinkles. This picture helps the cupcake pop out because of the black background. This picture exemplifies the rule of thirds, leading lines, and also good use of photoshop (used to create the black background).

This picture is one of my favorite , because of the train's front being in focus, and the rest being blurry. The tilt of the picture also adds a .... better feel to it. The curvature of the train also enhances the mood, as well as the composition. I guess this picture contains concepts such as rule of thirds, and leading lines that we learned throughout the year.

Inspire Me!

Title picture: The title picture goes with the title, as the crow represents life, and since the crow is black, it also represents a dull life. My title is Life Tips, so it foreshadows that the magazine will be about how to make life better.


1st Quote: The picture of the rising sun represents the ‘morning’ of the quote, and gives a serene mood to the quote.


2nd Quote: In this picture, the hallway of Seaquam is transformed into a fun play land. The floor is ice, and there is a fountain in the middle of the hallway. There is also a hat on one of the lockers. This gives a goofy look to go with the quote.


3rd Quote: The dartboard picture goes hand in hand with the quote, because it is very difficult to throw a dart on the 60 points region (well at least for me!).


4th Quote: The picture of the angel goes with the picture, because the quote itself is about angels. The quote mentions wing of angels, and the photograph is taken at such an angle, that the wings are also present.


This is a photo of the "Interstellar " movie poster that I photoshopped my name and picture into. If you look at the top left corner of the poster,you will see that I replaced Matthew McConaughey's name with mine. That was a hard thing to do even with the clone stamp, because in order to get the perfect mountain contours, I had to redo the erasing about 10 times. After that, getting the same font as the rest of the names was almost impossible.  However, I enjoyed the process, and learned alot. I was eventually impressed by the final result!

This is a picture of a protest of equality during the Civil Rights Movements in America. I am part of the procession, in the clothes that someone would have worn at that time. I photoshopped my head into the space between the hat and the collar. I am proud, because this photoshop actually looks normal. (P.S. It actually looked kind of fake, until I transformed the picture into  black and white one.)

Mini Legends

This story starts off with an old looking picture that represents the plane dreaming about the old times when he used to be able to fly. He is then shown waking up gloomily and sad. He really wants to fly, but he cannot because he hasn't flown in years. Finally he comes out of his fears, tries to fly, and succeeds. He then flies and flies and flies. The last picture is him flying away into the sunset.

People vs. Places

I created this picture, because it looked like a person coming out of the sky, because the color of the skin, and the sky mix in. This effect makes the picture look like a scene out of a fantasy movie!

In this picture it looks like his face is made up of rust It was very hard to create the contours of the face with a light dodging and burning brush. I like how the eyebrows have a lighter touch to it compared to the rest of the face.

Leading Lines

The bright purple tulips make the picture seem very lively and it seems that the lines of tulips lead on forever. This creates a fantasy world type feeling to the viewer, and the sun also creates a glow in the tulips. The shadows contrast with the glows in the tulips forming some very interesting shapes in the flowers.

I took this photo for the Leading Lines project. There is one distinct line in this photo, where the black tulips start at one corner of the photograph, and lead the viewers' eyes to the top of the picture.

In this picture, the subject is wearing goggles that reflect the rows of tulips. The lines attract attention to the subject and also adds colour to the picture. The blurred people in the background also add focus to the subject.


Jekyll And Hyde

The first picture shows a terrifying pair of eyes, which is the scary personality. The lights were heavily focused on one side of the subject, to create an interesting display of shadows. The subject was also told to look up with his eyes, and not to move his head, to create a frightening effect with more white than black in the eyes. I then took a close-up of his eyes, careful not to show anything but the face.In the photoshop stage of the ‘production’, I turned the picture black and white. Secondly I did the normal photo adjustments for the pictures that I take. I then realized that something was missing. Then it hit me, the whole reason that I took a close-up of the eyes was to express feeling, and emotion through them, and I had blacked them out! Then, I applied a layer mask, and colored in the eyes. After that, I added extra effects, such as reddening the arteries, toning the whites in the eyes, adjusting the contrast, brightness, and vibrancy of the eyes.

The second picture I took was of the subject jumping happily. At first, I thought that the blinking eyes would be a problem, but it turned out to be a factor that helped enhance the picture. This was a happy picture, so the lights were placed all around the subject. I really liked this project and the images!


The first picture is of a man in looking to the sky, and bordered by tulips, this shows a serene and thoughtful personality. For the photoshop procedure, I did the normal brightness/contrast, Hue/Vibrance, Sharpen, and Curves adjustments. I added on by photoshopping myself out of the reflective sunglasses, so not to ruin the aura.

There is a girl that is framing her eye. This is a selfie style portrait, which shows her personality as a ‘new age’ teen. She is also portrayed as confident. To photoshop this picture, I did the natural alterations, like the previous one.

Faceless portrait

This picture represents me, because I am a leader at this school and the community. I believe in taking action, and I have done many things to take action, such as the Nepal Campaign, and the upcoming Innovation Fair. I used photoshop to mainly put emphasis on the words in this picture.