
This photo was taken for my Rule of Thirds project, and shows an interesting combination of techniques.  The foreground is blurred and the background is in focus. A slight bokeh effect is used when the sparkles in the foreground are in the shape of a ball. Also the flame,which is the focus of the image, is in the top left intersection of the first two lines horizontally, and vertically. Next time, I would try to take the water bottle in the corner of the photo out.

This picture was taken for my Aperture Project. It is very cool because all the rails seem to vanish and converge at the left side of the picture. The rail closest to the viewer is in detailed focus and shows every curve and groove in the wood. Also there is only one major color which is white. I believe this property of the picture makes it unique from my other pictures. Maybe next time, I would try to make the rail in focus stand out a bit more.

This set of pictures was taken for my All About Me project. This picture depicts the average life of a busy student nowadays. It shows a student reading, writing, stressed about life in general, and taking care of hygiene. This photo is Photoshopped together pretty well, although the pillow behind me got a little discolored due to the eraser in Photoshop. This picture is very unique in the sense that I chose not to create many 'mes', but create many limbs on one body. Next time, I will try to photoshop it better as now I know exactly how to put it together.

This picture was taken for my opposites photo of the week project. This picture exhibits the opposite of light and dark. This is a cool picture because everything is dark, except for the candle, which is emitting immense amounts of light everywhere. Also, the rule of thirds is involved as the flame is in the top right corner of the picture. To make this picture more powerful, I added more vibrance to it, and decreased the brightness a tiny bit.

This picture was taken for my opposites project. It shows different smell using the onions, and garlics as bad smells, and the perfume as the good smell. To make this picture more powerful, I enhanced the contrast, increased the brightness, applied a slight vignette, and added some vibrance. Next time, I would get the garlics more in focus because they look like white balls. This might also have happened because the garlics were right under the light.

This picture was taken for my shutterspeed project. This picture shows a car that is blurred, while the rest of the environment is still. I also applied a vignette to this picture to draw the viewer's attention straight to the blurred car. Also, this picture includes the rule of thirds as the car is in the top right intersection of the frame. Also, the colours in the picture are all vibrant, creating a happy ambience. Next time I will pick a better spot to take this picture; a spot without leaves on the road, or overturned garbage cans.

This picture was taken for my  Rule of thirds project. The main focus of the picture is the Rogers sign, which is in the bottom left intersection of the frame. To make this picture better, I made the grass greener, and increased the contrast. I also photoshopped many of the major stains in the picture. I also darkened the black, and brightened the red, and white.  Next time, I would try to lessen the amount of brightness on the second label.